Behind Dbz

Image Arcadia

Behind the Dragonball

Guest Book

The Creator of Dragonball
Akira Toriyama, one of the most popular manga artists of all time. Akira Toriyama was the man who started the whole thing, "Dragonball".

Born on April 5, 1955, this shy manga artist has managed to capture the hearts of millions with his famous Dr. Slump and Dragonball manga. As a young kid, whenever he wanted something badly, he would draw the object, until someone got the object for him, or until he lost interest in it. This became a good basis for him in his career as a mangaka or cartoonist. Dragonball is Akira Toriyama's tale of Son Gokou, his friends and family and their epic battles on earth and other planets. It is an epic tale spanning throughout Goku's (the main character) life. Apocalyptic Martial Arts battles abound in the world of Dragonball. The Chinese folk-tales of Son Goku, the Monkey King were the initial influence for Dragonball. Dragonball has also spawned three Anime TV series, movies and specials.
Also, he has contributed to the designed of various popular videogame series including "Chrono Trigger" and "Dragon Quest".

Voice Actors
Ted Cole

Ian Corlett
-Goku (Ep 1-31)
-Master Roshi

Micheal Dobsonp

Brian Dummond

Pauline Gillis

Jason Standford

Doc Harris

Saffron Henderson

David Kaye

Ellen Kennedy

Terry Klassen

Lalaina Lindjerb

Scott McNail

Richard Newman

Pauline Newstone

Doug Parker

Jane Perry
-Mrs. Breifs

Ward Perry

Lara Sediq
-Chi Chi

Alivn Anderson
-Dr. Briefs

Matt Smith

French Tickner
-Mr. Popo

Lee Tockar
-Great Elder

Dave Ward
-King Kai
-Garlic Jr.

Cathy Weseluck

Alec Willows

Dale Wilson
-Ox King

Season 3 and 4

Monika Antonelli

Mark Britten
-Ox King

John Burgmeier

Linda Young

Dameon Clark

Cynthia Cranz
-Chi Chi

Cevil Degadillo

Chris Forbis
-Dr. Briefs

Chuck Huber
-Android 17
-Garlic Jr.

Jeremy Inman
-Android 16

Brad Jackson

Eric Johnson

Meredith McCoy
-Android 18

Mike McFarland
-Master Roshi

Stephanie Nadolny

Jane Perry
-Mrs. Briefs

Christopher Sabat
-King Vegeta
-Mr. Popo

Sean Schemmel
-King Kai

Sonny Straight

Tiffany Vollmer

Philip Wilburn
-Android 19

Kent Williams
-Dr. Gero

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For more info on Akira Toriyama click on his name below.
Akira Toriyama

